Saturday 14 July 2012


Sleepless night
Wandering soul
Wonder-full adventures of the sleeping minds

Have they forgotten to take me along
Or was it me that missed the train?

Noise of the silent slumber fill the hours as the darkness claims reign over the star filled kingdom.

Left alone in the wild wild maze of the twistered thoughts;


Gargles and snores of the carefree dreamers tease as they pass me by.

Now ever so longing to join the rest fest, I start counting how many there were of which ever things..

Then again unable to catch all the jail broken pieces of mind;

Unable, yet again, to grasp the peace of mind;


Little Doll

If I were a little doll
Trapped inside a box,
Not knowing any wonders of this world
I'd be happier than this

Such heart breaks that pierce the heart
And such sadness that drown the soul
will have no effect on me

If only I were a little doll

Her smile never fading
Her porcelain skin forever smooth
Her youth stopped in time
Her silky dress floats across the dreams

If only I were a little doll

I'd free my soul in that Neverland
Cakes that last eternity
My prince
True happily ever after

If only
If only
If only I were a little doll