Sunday, 12 February 2017


No one is the abuser.
Both are victims.
No end is seen.
Only self defense.
But we are full of bruises, twisted backs, swollen joints, scars on the skin... show signs of abuse.
If no one is the abuser,
Why are we abused?
But the finger is crossed.
Fingers belong to someone else.
Both are abusers.
But I'm the victim and so is he.
Unseen is the abuse but seen is the victim.
Unseen is the victim but seen is the action.
Words are like thorned whips.
Slashes like a bitch.
It's coming from the mouths of victims.
Violence is the self defense.
There are two victims of abuse.
But there are no abusers.
In the end, only the great God knows.
How it will go.
How it will pass.
No one's falling out.
Each with each's motive.
Grabbing fiercely to the piercing whip.
So it continues to slash.
Victims of the relationship.
Where it is the abuser.
Home is a prison.
Yet this is where the heart is.
It is cold and dark and frightening.
But it is warm, full and comforting.
God is good but the time is bad.
God is almighty but we only wade in pain.
God is love but our love is tethered and bleeding.
God is past, present and future.
My past is dark, my present is hell and my future is unseen.
Glory to the King. Rejoice this day the King hath made.
Because yet my heart chooses to trust in Him.
His unfailing and faithful love will deliver us all.
Though wicked are my thoughts and evil are my intensions.
Though my heart in pieces only sputter out poison.
Through Him I will be saved.
He will never give up on me.
So we on our knees ask for forgiveness so we can face the abuse of tomorrow.
For that joyful day, when we can taste the fruits of the spirit.

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